Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Year and new Changes for Dellview DANA

Happy New Year (I know its a bit late) but wanted to say it when I created a new blog for Dellview.
Many wonderful things have happened and we all know it was very eventful in 2012 with the Dellview Concert and all the fun activities our association has accomplished and the list would go on. You know all that already.

We have new board members and you can see all the famous names on our newsletter and website.

Now I want to tell you that our newsletter, The Dellview Heartbeat has been revamped due to budget restraints. That means a front cover in color and the rest in black and white. We all think it looks grand regardless and saves us a bit. It was costing us 2.90 an issue. My job as an designer was to do more with less so at least we have one page in color! I hope you all like it.

I will be working on this blog and welcome all your ideas and comments. Please keep it positive because you know its a neighborhood we are talking about.
Hold tight and things will work out. That is what my dear mom always said. Bless her heart.

Check us out at for all the info on what is going on and how to become a member. We need you in our neighborhood to make a healthy neighborhood for all and especially the young folks that grow up there. Just remember your childhood memories of where you grew up and you get the picture. 

Our blog is

With beautiful color I wish you the best,
Joan (aka Delly)

1 comment:

  1. “Dear DANA, I miss all of you! I hope all is well and that things are still rolling as they were! I hope soon I will be able to return. Right now, I'm up to my ears with projects and my health, although a little better, still not 100%! Hugs to all.....sara
